Hotwheels Computer

I’ve been fascinated with computers for as long as I can remember. what started with basic VB scripts has evolved to writing low-level embedded C code. I’ve come to learn that I simply love designing with quality tools, and computers are the most powerful tools of today. I especially like writing software for electronics, networking, and hands-on projects.

Born in Akron, Ohio in 1997, i’m one of the oldest of Gen Z and grew up in The Rust Belt. I grew up with the internet and social media, which is a first in our world. For someone that likes to explore, the world at your fingertips was extremely powerful for a young mind. The Rust Belt is filled with dilapidated infrastructure, abandonment, and corruption, but the internet made it easy to learn anything I wanted. Unfortunately for me, my skillset outgrew my homeland’s dated ecosystem.

After COVID-19 and a 1-year stint in Silicon Valley, I fear that Silicon Valley has peaked and is beginning down the same path that led to the demise of Motor City. I now live in Orange County, California and work as a software engineer at Anduril.

With your past and your future precisely divided
am I at that moment? I haven’t decided
Trey Anastasio / Tom Marshall1

Hit me with the Facts

  • I’m cross dominant, I write and shoot guns left-handed, but play guitar, sports, and lots of other things right-handed
  • I’ve driven to 41 of the 50 states and am willing to ship my car to Hawaii to make it as complete as possible
  • My Google account is so old that Gmail was still invite only when it was made
  • I was one of the first to try CryptoKitties during launch at ETHWaterloo, but I thought it was stupid and missed out on making a ton of money
  • Within my private music vault is a recording of Jimi Hendrix practicing in his New York Apartment from 1968. I’ve yet to find it on the internet

What I Like

  • Live Music (Phish, Grateful Dead, Jazz, Blues, Rock, etc.)
  • Driving my manual gearbox while I still can
  • Cities
  • Playing guitar
  • Ice skating
  • Building things
  • Cooking with cast iron
  • Aspiring wine connoisseur

Hard Pass

  • Gin
  • Anime
  • Teslas (and NOT because it’s an electric car)


  • Honesty
  • Freedom
  • Competition
  • Fairness
  • Practicality
  • Respect

  1. From Julius by Phish ↩︎